Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get something custom made?
Custom made items are a joy to own and with the right preparation can be a fun and exciting process to be involved with. Once a client decides on the type of item they want to have made (knife or leather) we begin by discussing dimensions, type of materials, etc. This process can take a day or so to nail down all the specifics. Many times the client will give me some leeway but that is all up to the client. I do my best to make the item to the clients specifications.
How long have you been making knives and leather products ?
I have been making knives for just over 4 years. I started over 20 years ago in leather crafting and making leather backpacks, purses, wallets, etc. Bushcrafting got me into knives and the lack of a quality backpack 20 years ago got me into leather craft.
What kind of metal do you use ?
Good question. Most of the metal that I use is what is considered a high carbon steel. This is anywhere from 1075, 1084, 1095, etc. It really depends on what the client is looking for. For some of the more exotic steels price can be an issue but it really is up to the client.
Do you harden your own knives ?
As a matter of fact I do. Mostly anyway. For most knives made from high carbon steel I do all the heat treat myself. For the more exotic steels like CPM-4V I will send to a heat treating service like Peter’s. They are set up to do things that I can’t like cryo tempering.
How much does a custom item cost ?
That is the big question clients always want to know first, but it not that easy. A lot goes into pricing such as my labor, materials for the item (i.e. steel, leather, hardware, etc.), consumables (i.e. grinding belts, dye, stitching thread, etc.), and many other factors. I won’t lie. It can be expensive to some, but in the end you will have a product that was made in the USA, be proud to own, and last a lifetime.
How long does it take to make a knife ?
Another good question. A lot depends on if I am making a knife that I designed or if it is a true custom order with the clients collaboration. Taking out all the design aspects and knowing (and having) the steel on hand as well as the handle material, I can usually make a knife from start to finish in about 3 days. A lot depends on the hand sanding that is needed. For my NYUK Hunter knives I can cut one out, flatten, grind in the bevels, drill the holes for pins, heat treat and temper, and have everything ready in only a day. But if I want to take that knife up to a 2500 grit hand sanded finish then it will probably take me another 2 full days just to do that. I pride myself in removing every scratch from the previous grit before moving on and it can be frustrating and tiresome, but I love it. One of the NYUK Camp Choppers can take up to 2 weeks to complete with most of the time dedicated to hand sanding depending on the finish desired.
Do you make knives in Stainless Steel ?
Currently I do not. I can make them up to a point but I would need to send them off to a heat treating service to harden which would add to the cost, especially for just one blade. I am more than willing to make a stainless knife if that is what the client wants, just know that an added heat treat cost will need to be added. Very soon I hope to purchase a heat treating oven and quench plates that will allow me to heat treat stainless but for now I just focus on high carbon blades.
Do you make the sheaths as well ?
I most certainly do. This is one reason it has been an easy transition from leather craft to bladesmithing. With the skills I have honed over the past 20 years I can also produce high quality leather sheaths for the knives that I make. I only use either Wicket & Craigs or Hermaann Oak Leather. I prefer the Wicket & Craig but it is a bit more expensive. I use only veg tanned leather and dye it to whatever seems to go best with that particular knife or whatever color the client wants if it is a custom collab knife. I know many makers that are zoned into using Kydex and other synthetic materials for their sheaths but I really do prefer leather.
Do you sell all over the world or just the US ?
I sell all over the world. But the client must do their do diligence to confirm that their country allows the purchase and shipment of knives as well as any special fees that might incur such as customs. Other than that I can ship anywhere.